[Sketching23] Welcome to Sketching 2023: July Update!

Mike Kuniavsky mikek at sketching-in-hardware.com
Sun Jul 23 16:13:53 PDT 2023

Sketching in Hardware 2023 July Update

Hi! You're getting this because you've confirmed that you're coming to 
Sketching in Hardware at the ATLAS Institute at the University of 
Colorado, Boulder, CO, September 22-24, 2023. Welcome!

We will send updates until the event, and each one has important 
information in it (this is Update #1). Please take a few minutes to read 


  - Thank you!
  - This mailing list
  - The event Slack
  - Thank you to our sponsors: University of Colorado Boulder, Sparkfun,
Modular Robotics, Seeed Studio, Beagle Board and ThingM!
  - Participant questionnaire! It's important!
  - Hotel reservations are OPEN
  - Please bring things to show
  - Contact information

First of all, THANK YOU for participating in Sketching in Hardware! We are 
honored to be having this year’s event at the ATLAS Institute, one of the 
most exciting interdisciplinary research organizations around. Boulder, 
where the institute is located, sits at the interface between America’s 
flat agricultural heartland and the peaks of the Rockies, and this 
location seems somehow metaphorically appropriate for an event that aims 
to perpetually sit at the transition point between different disciplines 
and to navigate a rapidly changing landscape.

This mailing list is just for confirmed participants in the event. Based 
on past years' experience, there will be a couple of additional updates 
before the event. You should also feel free to use it to coordinate 
transportation, hotel sharing or other activities, but please use it 
sparingly. As soon as the event is over, I will roll the membership of 
this list into the general Sketching alumni list and this list will go 

If this is going to the wrong email address, please email 
mikek at sketching-in-hardware.com

Sketching has a low volume Slack that typically wakes up during the event. 
I've created a Sketching 23 channel on it, which people use to take notes, 
have side conversations, and share links in during the event. The Slack is 
up throughout the year for ongoing conversations. If you'd like to join 
the Slack, here's the invitation link:


I am very honored that so many companies answered my request for 
sponsorship this year. We are incredibly grateful for your generosity in 
helping make this event possible, and to keep it affordable (or as 
affordable as we can make it). This year’s sponsors (and, fyi, we could 
always use more!):

The University of Colorado Boulder: https://www.colorado.edu/
Sparkfun: https://www.sparkfun.com/
Modular Robotics: https://modrobotics.com/
Seeed Studio: https://www.seeedstudio.com/
Beagle Board: https://www.beagleboard.org/
ThingM (as always!): https://thingm.com/

To help us plan the logistics of the event such as childcare and food 
sensitivities we need to know some things from you. We have a short survey 
we’d like you to fill out, if you have not done so already.


It should take about 7-10min.

If you plan on staying in a hotel while at Boulder, please consider 
staying at one of our event hotels. We secured room blocks with the 
Embassy Suites by Hilton [2601 Canyon Boulevard, Boulder, CO 80302] and 
the Hilton Garden Inn [2701 Canyon Blvd, Boulder, CO 80302]. We confirmed 
that we were able to get something close to the best possible rate for the 
event weekend. Both hotels are about a 25 minute walk away, through the 
lovely CU Boulder campus.

Click here to reserve your room: https://tinyurl.com/sketching23-hotel

Note: the cut off date for our room rate is Thursday, August 31, 2023, but 
please book as early as possible so we can plan with the hotel for how 
many rooms we need.

Are you bringing things to show off? Please do! We want to see 
unannounced, pre-release, half-baked, experimental, totally great stuff. 
If you're wondering if it's ready, it is. Bring it!

Throughout the conference, if you have any questions, please feel free to 
email us at mikek at sketching-in-hardware.com or 
leah.mckibbin at utopiaprojects.llc. If you need an urgent reply, Mike’s 
mobile phone number is +1-415-235-3468 and Leah’s is +1 650-868-2974.

Thank you!

Mike Kuniavsky
mikek at sketching-in-hardware.com

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