[Sketching23] Sketching September mini-update #1

Mike Kuniavsky mikek at sketching-in-hardware.com
Sun Sep 10 17:19:02 PDT 2023

Hi! Just a quick mini update:

  1. If you didn't get either the July or August updates, please email and we'll 
send them to you.

  2. The schedule is live! (THANK YOU, Kate Hartman for your help putting it 
together) It's a live document, so you can edit it--and for the same reason, 
please don't share the link with others. Please find your name on it and update 
the title of your talk directly in the document. If you don't find your name, 
or if the time doesn't work for you, please let us know ASAP: 

  3. If you said you're willing to do a demo or moderate a dicussion, I'll reach 
out to you soon, but if you have an idea of what you'd like to do for either of 
those before I email, don't hesitate to reach out first and we'll figure out 
what works best together.

See you soon!

Mike Kuniavsky
mikek at sketching-in-hardware.com

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