[brcs-announce] BRCS Update

Norman R. Fred nrfred at yahoo.com
Thu May 17 04:55:07 PDT 2012

Hello all you river cleaners,

The BRCS is ready to go.

We'll start at 9:00 at the BROWN BRIDGE BOAT LAUNCH this year instead of Schecks.  Make note of that.

The downtown group will start at Hull Park behind the NEW LIBRARY at 9:30.

If you have not already done so, please let me know NOW if you plan to come.  I need to get the different crews sorted out as much as possible before the day of the event.

Thanks for your interest in this project and river stewardship in general.

The BRCS and the TAPC have a lot of trips, both cleanups and recreational, planned for this summer.

I'm excited to get back on the river again.

Look at this page for more information.



PS - I want to thank:

Jocelyn for helping me with the T-shirt order and selling raffle tickets.

Lois for helping me with the website editing.

Steve Largent for just about everything but especially for getting the river cleared of downed trees so we don't kill ourselves and for his grant writing efforts.

Steve and Pat Somers for selling a canoe load of raffle tickets and taking care of the picnic.  That's a huge burden and they do it so cheerfully.

Sandy Weir for being my grant writing mentor.

My daughter, Ellen, for being the BRCS' resident (literally) tax attorney.

And all of YOU for coming every year and doing the work.  You know who you are.  You deserve standing "O".
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